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Debble is not just a product, it's a scalable platform.

Intranet extendible custom templates

Standard and custom templates

Debble consists of pre-defined templates that are created with our template creation platform. A template contains functionalities and is re-usable in your intranet. A user (with the appropriate rights) can create new sites based on these templates without the interference of IT.

We bring you a big stack of ready to go template to rocket start your intranet. Our platform also allows you to create your own templates to really meet your requirements.

Add custom Apps

With a personal app zone for each user, you can make an impressive hub to support people in their work. Next to the standard Debble Widgets, you are able to add your own and offer them to the relevant audience in the Debble App Store. 

An app contains information from other areas of the intranet or from other systems. Some examples are tasks from other systems, management information, dashboards and so on.

Intranet extendible custom apps
Intranet extendible debble wizard

The Debble Wizard: be a hero

When you offer a scalable and extendible platform, every user should be able to create new sites and pages. Please meet the Debble Wizard, an intuitive and user friendly process that helps users through the creation process. The Debble Wizard contains one or more steps that support the template that is being used. 

For example, create a new teamsite, invite team member, set the severity level, add tools such as Microsoft Teams and you are done. Debble takes care of the rest.

Integrate with Modern SharePoint

One of the advantages of a flexible platform is the ability to integrate new (Microsoft) functionalities quick and easy. An example of this is the Modern SharePoint UI. A functionality that has a lot of impact on the structure of your Digital Workplace. We made the platform ready for Modern SharePoint which means customers can now start to integrate these sites in their intranet / Digital Workplace. With new updates this functionality will be extended.

Intranet extendible modern sharepoint

See Debble for yourself, book a demo!

Let's find out how Debble can empower collaboration for your organization. Get in touch with us and we will contact you to schedule your very own demo! Are you ready to get Debbled?