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Document Management

Document Management in the same solution as my intranet? Yes!

How many versions of the same file are unfindable?

Every organization recognizes this. Working on documents in the number 1 workload. Managing them is a living hell. We understand this and help you. By separating the sharing process from the creation and management process. We take away all the questions. Is this the latest version? Is this visible for others? Do I copy or link? How do I make a PDF of this? And so on...

Intranet documentmanagement versions
Intranet document management connected publishing

Connected publishing and collaboration

Debble physically detaches your publishing sites from the sits where content is created and managed. However, the sites ARE connected to each other. It is even possible to connect more than one collaboration site to a publishing site. This makes is super easy to create and manage document without the fear of spreading inaccurate information.

Automated publishing: Word to PDF

With the option to automatically publish finished documents to the organization you can save a lot of time. Once you collaborated on a document you can select the option ‘Publish’. The document will now automatically be published to the designated place on your intranet. So when you are an Account Manager working on a quotation in word for a customer you can publish a final version in PDF to the Sales department, so your colleagues from other departments can see the final quotation as well.

Intranet document management publish
Intranet document management fileshare

Move your fileshares to the cloud

Finally feel comfortable with moving your local fileshares to the cloud without losing your users along the way. With Debble, you are able to rebuild your corporate structure that represents the fileshare in no time. Saving you time, money and highly cluttered fileshares.

Find documents with auto tagged metadata

Metadata and document retention are very important when it comes to document management. With all these options build in the Debble platform you can easily extend your intranet with a document management functionality. Metadata is a very important aspect when it comes to finding and storing documents. With the option to partly auto tag metadata to your document you save your users a lot of time and frustration.

intranet document management search

See Debble for yourself, book a demo!

Let's find out how Debble can empower collaboration for your organization. Get in touch with us and we will contact you to schedule your very own demo! Are you ready to get Debbled?