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The 6 Major Pillars
of Debble

Debble is the platform where the five most important pillars of a digital workplace form the foundation. It should enable everyone within the organization to communicate easily with each other and work together to exchange knowledge. But a truly digital workplace for your employees is achieved by linking to your other primary systems.


Maximizing productivity ensures an efficient and pleasant work environment. Debble connects frequently used systems and applications, bundles tasks, and provides an overview of tasks and appointments upon logging in. This provides clarity and access to all documents in one place. That is productivity.

Knowledge Sharing

Debble facilitates the sharing and reuse of knowledge with articles and user profiles, prevents duplication, and offers opportunities for collaboration. The Debble Knowledge Base is a centralized source for all knowledge, making manuals, policy documents, forms, and protocols easy to find.


Communication is the foundation of any organization, both top-down, bottom-up, and horizontally. Within Debble, you can integrate a directory and improve communication with VIVA Engage in Microsoft Teams. Messages can be easily sent to specific segments, increasing relevance.


Many organizations work on a project basis, where collaboration between different departments is crucial. Debble facilitates seamless collaboration with Microsoft Teams, allowing documents to be shared effortlessly. Optimal collaboration requires the right technical support, which Debble excels at providing.


Debble is more than an intranet; it is an innovative solution that makes communication, work, and learning more efficient. With technologies like SharePoint and VIVA, Debble offers idea generation and usage analysis. The ideation platform and Debble Insights ensure continuous innovation and growth.

User Experience

An intuitive and user-friendly interface is crucial for a digital platform. Debble offers a personalized homepage that bundles all relevant information and tasks clearly. This maximizes productivity and ensures that employees can focus on their core tasks without distractions.